Características de Pueblos Indígenas según la Norma de Desempeño

Performance Standard 7 recognizes Indigenous Peoples as social groups with different identities from dominant groups in national societies.

There is no universally accepted definition of “Indigenous Peoples”. In conformity with the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standard 7, Indigenous Peoples may be referred to as “indigenous ethnic minorities”, “aboriginal people”, “indigenous peoples”, “minoritary nationalities”, “registered tribes”, “native peoples” or “tribal groups”.

Indigenous Peoples are culturally diverse social groups, according to the IFC Performance Standard 7 they have characteristics such as:

Indigenous Peoples’ characteristics according to Performance Standard 7

The standard raises the need to ensure that the development process encourages full respect for human rights, dignity, ambitions, culture and livelihood means dependent on the Indigenous Peoples’ natural resources. It points out the relevance of anticipating and avoiding adverse impacts, and if they can’t be avoided, to minimize or compensate them.

This standard recommends the possibility of considering Indigenous Peoples as development partners, promoting culturally appropriate benefits and opportunities for sustainable development. Furthermore, it seeks to ensure informed and free previous consent from Indigenous Peoples Affected Communities.

In addition, it seeks to ensure the prior, free and informed consent of the Affected Communities of Indigenous Peoples.

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